New York Vintage Furniture Sellers
- & found
- 0
- 1 of a Kind
- 11 Win Win
- 145 Antiques
- 2Michaels Design
- 42 North Antiques
- 80sDecoHunter
- A C R O T E R I O N
- A New York Closet
- A&J 20th Century Designs
- A. Davoodzadeh & Son
- A.T. Essex Interiors
- Ab furnishings
- Adams Galleries
- AdoreMidCentury
- Advance L.
- AF Finds
- AHF Antiques
- Aimee M.
- Alanna M.
- Albert Joseph Gallery
- Alexa Hampton
- Alexandra Group
- Alexandra K.
- Alexandra leigh W.
- Alexandra M.
- Alisberg Parker Architects
- Alison BWP
- All the Goodies
- Allen N.
- Allison Garcy Interiors
- Amaia G. Marzabal
- Amal Kapen Interiors
- American Bloomsbury
- American Grown Up
- Amy Lau Design
- Ana
- ANDINA | Argentine rugs, unique pieces.
- Andrea
- Andrea R.
- Ann D.
- Annabelle F.
- ANNE DITTMEIER NEW YORK | Furniture & Objects
- Annie Delaporte Designs
- Annmarie D.
- Anri B.
- Anthony Baratta
- Anthony Finta
- Anthony Rosa Modern
- Antique Cottage
- Antique rug Studio
- Antique Warehouse CT
- Antiques and Art
- Apadana Rugs & Carpets
- Apollonian House
- Arenskjold Antiques
- Arlene Angard Designs and Fine Art
- Arshs Fine Rugs
- Art lavaux
- Artemis On Delos
- Artful Unicorn LLC
- Arthur Golabek
- Arthur S.
- ArtWise Online
- Ashville Fine Arts
- Asian Barn
- Asler Valero
- Atlas Showroom
- Augusta Hoffman Studio
- Austin Patterson Disston Architecture & Design
- Austin York LLC
- Avalon
- Averacity
- AW arts
- AWK Design Antiques
- B Home
- B-Furbished
- B. Snipes Interiors
- Bachman Brown Design
- Barbara
- Barbara D.
- Barbara K.
- Barbara M.
- barbarella home
- Bareens Designer Rugs
- Batterby House
- beakerloo
- Bear V.
- Beatrice G.
- Beautiful Comfort Design
- Beckerman
- Bedford galleries NJ
- Bella Mancini Design
- Ben-Amun
- Berman Sales
- Bernie M.
- Bespoke Trimmings by MJ Ramos
- Beta Modern
- Betsy C.
- Big E NYC
- Bill Tansey Art
- Bita M.
- Blaney & Co.
- Blaze Makoid Architecture
- Bloom Fine Art & Antiques
- Blue Rabbit Interiors
- Blue Ribbon Rarities
- BlueSky International
- Bochic
- Bombyx House Handmade Jewelry
- Bonebrake M.
- Borastapeter
- Bordallo Pinheiro
- borrowed BLU
- Bounkit
- Brando’s House
- Brass Hill Design
- Brendon B.
- Brian J. McCarthy, Inc.
- Brian O'Keefe Architect
- Brian Welch Studio
- Briana W.
- Bridge House Vintage
- BridgeportSoup
- Brockschmidt & Coleman, LLC
- Brooke Moorhead Design
- Brooklyn Collect
- Brooklyn, N.
- Brother Arts and Antiques
- Bunny Williams Inc.
- Buttercup Home
- Bygoneicons
- C F.
- Cafiero Select Home
- Cara O'Reilly, Painter
- Carol Flanagan Interior Design
- Carol I.
- Carol Master Antiques
- Carole Ann Hart Antiques
- Carole K.
- Caroline Kopp Interior Design
- Carrier and Company
- Casita Interiors
- Catch Me When You Can
- Catherine J. Martzloff
- CD Design Studio Inc.
- Celerie Kemble Rugs for Chairish
- Certified Fine Jewelry
- CF Antiques & Home
- Chaman Antique Rug Gallery
- Chameleon Antiques LLC
- Chameleon Fine Lighting
- Chapter Two Vintage
- Charles Hilton Architects
- Charlie Sprout
- Charlotte Moss
- Chatsworth IV
- Chauncey Boothby Interiors
- Cherish The Old
- Cheryl C.
- Chez Marie Antiques
- Chhunju LLC
- Christian & D'Franco Antiques and Fine Art
- Christian J.
- Christian Siriano
- Christina Addison Fine Jewelry Designs
- Christina Nielsen
- Christine Lucky Interiors
- Christopher Burns Interiors
- Christopher Spitzmiller Inc.
- Christopher W. Swift Antiques & Interiors
- Christopher White - WhiteSlate
- Christopher's Rare Books
- CIGAlberti
- Cindy Coscoros Interiors
- CIRCA60 - Mid Century + Danish Furniture
- Cirque du Pop
- cityFoundry
- Claire K.
- Claudia J.
- clos-ette
- Coastal Lane
- Coco Porter
- Colby B.
- Collected Chic
- CollectifNY
- Collura & Co. / Denis Collura
- Complicated Objects
- Cooky’s Thrift
- Corinne Robbins
- Cosmos & Company
- Cosulich Interiors & Antiques
- Cottage and Camp
- Cozy Corner Interiors
- Craig D.
- Creative Works
- Creel and Gow
- Crowned Crane Studio
- Crystorama
- Curry Home Antiques
- Dale Nichols LLC
- Dan Scotti Design
- Dani C.
- Dani T.
- Daniel Falcón
- Dannis F.
- Daun Curry
- David Scott Interiors, LTD.
- David Smernoff Gallery
- de la Torre design studio llc.
- De-Spec
- Dead House Vintage
- Dear Annabelle
- Debbie Turi Antiques LLC
- Debi Shapiro Photography
- Deborah Ehrlich LLC
- Deborah Rhodes
- Debra K.
- Deco Paris
- Decorative A.
- Decorum
- Delphine Le Goff.
- Demolition Depot
- Denise D.
- Derby Fine Art & Goods
- Design by Jeanne
- Design House
- Design In Time
- Designitalia Mid Century
- Diamondbook
- Diana D.
- Diana Sawicki Interior Design Inc.
- Diane B.
- Diane Thornhill
- Diantha S.
- Didier C.
- Didier Designs
- Divine Design
- Dixie LaRue.
- DM Decoris
- Dom Paragon
- Domani Home
- Donia S.
- Donna B.
- DorCat
- Dorian Voyageur
- Douglas C. Wright Architects
- DREM Studio
- DSA Fine Arts
- Dyed-In-The-Wool
- East Corner Co.
- Eckert Fine Art
- Eclectic Eccentric
- Eclectic Vanguard
- Ed
- Eden Presley
- Edie Meyer Art Advisory
- Edward B.
- Edward L.
- Edward R.
- Eileen and Taylor
- Electric Eye Vintage & Thrift
- Elena B.
- Elena S.
- Elias Associates
- Elise S.
- Elissa Grayer Interior Design
- Eliza Gatfield
- Elizabeth B.
- Elizabeth Bolognino Interiors
- Elizabeth Pash Interiors and Antiques
- Ellen W.
- Ellen Ward Scarborough
- Elsi H.
- Emily Keating Snyder
- Emmeline V.
- Empty Your Nest
- EmptyTheHouse LLC
- Ems Haus
- English Georgian America
- Eon Nova Vintage
- Erica O.
- Ernest Clair New York Inc.
- Esperance Gallery
- Estate Treasures
- EstateByJR
- Estro
- Ethnika Home Decor And Antiques
- Eve Robinson Associates
- Every Thing Goes
- Everybody's
- Evie M.
- Exante Antiques
- F.J. Kashanian
- Fabulous Styles by M
- FabulousFinds4You
- FEA Home
- Fenestella
- Fenwood Studio
- Fern elva P.
- FisheyeCeramics
- FJ Hakimian
- Flair Home Collection
- Fletcher W.
- Fleur De Lis
- Flora I.
- Folly Design Elements, Lynn Hamlen
- Found
- Foxtrot Home
- Frampton Co
- France Ici Antiques
- Frances P.
- Frederic Magazine
- Frederick I.
- French & Scouser
- Fritz Antiques
- From the Hills
- fromunderground
- FS20
- Fun House Furnishings & Design
- Fundamental Grey
- Furnishings and F.
- Fussbudget Vintage
- G-Dog
- Gabrielle S.
- Gail Buggy
- Galart International
- Galerie Shabab
- Gallery 532
- Gallery on Main
- Gargoyles Ltd. A Great Decor & Display Venue
- Gary M.
- Georgia H. for HVTI
- Gilded Riley
- Gillette Furniture C.
- Goshwara
- Grand Wythe
- Graphic Image
- Great Dane Picker
- Green Zebre Vintage Home
- Greenwich Living Design
- Greg McKenzie Designs
- Gretchen Kelly
- Grey Gate Home
- Griffin's
- Hadassa Antiques
- HamptonsArtStudio
- Hanin T.
- Happy Fortune Vintage
- Happy House Modern
- Happy Menocal Studio
- Harlequin
- Haus of Brilliance
- Hendricks Churchill
- Hierarchy Architecture + Design
- High Style Deco
- History Repeated LLC
- HL
- HLB Studio
- Hollander Design Landscape Architects
- Home Again Vintage
- Hopelika
- HOPP Home
- Horseman Antiques
- House of Hackney
- House of Hickok
- House of Michel
- Howard Ziff
- Hudson-John Gallery
- I Ching Antiques
- Ida's eye
- IdeelArt
- Ilana Greenberg
- IMC Gallery Inc
- Indiko
- Inga B.
- Intermezzo Designs
- Irreplaceable Artifacts
- Irwin and Lane
- Isabelle H. Color Spaces
- Isabelle S.
- ItzaStacything
- J & D Oriental Rug Co.
- j s cela
- J. G.
- Jacqueline Belle
- James Andrew Conan Dill
- James P.
- Jane Carter Studio
- Jane's Upcycle
- Janet Simon, Inc.
- Jarontiques
- Jay
- JBell Gallery
- Jean-laurent P.
- Jeffery R.
- Jeffrey H.
- Jeffrey Parker Interiors, Inc.
- JenMod Vintage
- Jennifer T.
- Jenny Wolf Interiors
- Jeremie Attias
- Jessica Allyn
- Jessie Z.
- JEWELRY Found By Anne | Rings Earrings Charms...
- Jill T.
- Joan A.
- Joann H.
- John
- John Gredler Works for Art
- John Modern
- John Scarola
- John Z.
- Jolie European Antiques
- Joseph G.
- Josephson | 1898
- Josh E.
- Joyce S.
- Juan Carretero
- Julia Contacessi
- Julia J.
- kailasha
- Kammi Reiss Design
- Kara O. - FORM
- Karen Curtis
- Karen G.
- Kasper Contemporary
- Katerina Christina
- Kathleen C.
- Kathleen H.
- Kathryn C.
- Kathy
- Kathy Kuo Designs
- Kati Curtis Design
- Katie Leede & Company
- Ken Gemes Interiors
- Kerson Gallery
- KHI Design Group
- Ki'Ari Decor
- Kim B.
- King David Empire Fine Art and Antiques
- Klar Vintage
- Klebre
- Konantiques
- KR
- Kravet
- Kristina Phillips Interior Design
- L Killian
- L. L.
- Lampem
- Lampworks, Inc.
- LANOBA - Danish Vintage Design
- Lasprogato-Ordaz
- Laura Krey Design
- Lauren A Balkan Designs
- Lauren C.
- Laurence Carr Inc.
- LAVA interiors
- Lavender Oriental Carpets
- Lawrence Farms Antiques
- Le Deco Style
- Lea B.
- Lee
- Lee Ten Hoeve
- Lenpol
- Leonoardo Fischbach LLC
- Lerebours Antiques
- Leslie M.
- Level
- Liberty Fine Furniture and Upholstery
- Lilliwanda Designs
- Linda London Ltd.
- Lindgren Gibb Studio
- Lionsgate Antiques
- Lisa H
- Little Fox Southwest Trading Post
- LMD Antique Lighting
- Loft2d
- Long and Drew
- Lotte Meister
- Louis XV V.
- Lovely Stuff
- Lucia Campos Protopapas
- Luxe Life Collectibles
- LUXLUCE Lighting
- Lynn Christian Artist Paintings
- M Murphy A & D
- Made New Design
- Magic Hill - Mercantile
- Maison Du Lab
- Mana Gallery
- Marais Home
- Marianne Stikas
- Marie Burgos Collection
- Mark P. Finlay Architects
- Martha S.
- MarvelTrove
- Mary Elizabeth Marvin Abstract Artist
- Mary Harvey Interiors
- Marybeth G.
- Marzipan Mummy Design
- Mason Antiques
- Matsui Collection
- Matthew Izzo Home
- Matthew Livi
- Mayflower
- MB | Design & Interiors
- MC Interiors
- McMom's Vintage Furniture
- Meg Braff Designs
- melange studio™
- Melissa B.
- Melissa P.
- Mendelson Group, Inc.
- Merryfield Farm
- Merseyglo
- Metropolis Vintage
- Micalizzi Antiques and Furniture Restoration
- Michael
- Michael Filonow
- Michael Del Piero Good Design
- Michael K Chen Architecture
- Michael S.
- Michele N. Russo Art
- Mid Century Antiques
- Middlebury Furniture & Home Design
- MidModMed
- Mike T
- Mile Hill Modern
- Mill House Antiques
- Milne Antiques And Design
- Mimi
- MinimizingNYC
- Miss Savage Style
- MisterMicroscope
- MisterPillow
- Mitchell L.
- MM Modern
- Mod City Madness
- Modage
- Modarts
- Modern Antiquarian
- Modern Art
- Modern Cabin Girl
- Modern Retro Finds
- Mona S.
- Monica Shulman
- Monique Nichols
- Monster Estate Sales
- Montage
- Monti
- Moondog
- Morris & Co.
- Mosaic Vintage
- Muriel F.
- MVSellsStuff
- My Secret Patio
- Naddy S.
- Nancy's Fancy Antiques & Vintage
- Natalia Bessonova
- Nate Berkus
- Nathan Horowicz Antiques Inc
- NCL Art & Antiques
- Neal Beckstedt Studio
- need
- New Old Things
- New Pagoda
- Newel Gallery
- Nick Mele
- Nipa Gandhi Lifestyle
- Nora O’Neil
- Nouvelle Vie Furniture
- NuWorld Antiques
- O'Sullivan Antiques
- O.g. vintage
- Object Refinery
- Objet Objet LLC
- Oblik studio inc
- Oceanus Antiques
- OGI Ltd
- Old Lights On--Farmington, CT
- Old New House
- Old Port Antiques
- Olive Hill Designs n Collectibles
- One Bleecker Interiors
- One Royal Art
- Orientalist Home
- P. Smith Collections
- P.G. Ruskin & Company, LLC
- Pagoda Red Antiques and Modern
- Pamela D.
- Pangibles Vintage
- Park Epicurean
- Parr
- Pasargad Home
- Pat N.
- Patricia's Room
- Paul T.
- Paula McDonald Design Build & Interiors
- Pauline de Roussy de Sales
- Persian Gallery New York
- Pete Aleksa
- Philip
- Phintage NYC
- Phyllis D.
- Pilar P.
- Pillows by Susan
- Play It Again - Antique and Vintage Treasures
- Poe
- Polymath | modern vintage
- pomo casa
- Portfauxlio I.
- Portmanteau New York
- Post House
- Post Modern Home
- Posteritati Movie Posters
- Primitive Modern
- Prop Stylist Archive/ Hope Misterek
- Prop-Positions Inc.
- PuccioFineArt
- R. Gene Barbera
- Rafe New York
- ram vintage
- Randall B.
- Randall Quentin
- Raquelle M.
- Rashid Stone House Antiques
- Ray
- Raymond S.
- realmarytoddlincoln
- Redd Kaihoi
- ReGeneration Furniture
- rehabulosity
- Relics Antiques
- Reposed NY
- Resiklo Design
- Revival Home
- Rex Jewelry
- Richard C.
- Richard Mishaan
- Right Meets Left Interior Design
- Rinfret Limited Interior Design & Decoration LLC
- Robert C.
- Robert Stilin
- Robert W.
- Roberta Gottlieb Interiors, Inc.
- Robin Baron
- Robin K.
- Robin Koffler
- Robyn
- RoGallery
- Ronald at Emporium
- RoseHyll Studio
- Roshkowska Gallery
- Roughan Interiors
- Round Hill Design
- RS Barcelona
- Ruby Beets
- Rug & Kilim
- Rug & Kilim
- Rug & Kilim Homage Collection
- Rumma Home
- Ruth Steinberg
- Ruth T.
- ryo house
- Saatchi&Co.
- Saddle River Gallery
- Samantha - K.
- Sanderson
- Sandra W.
- Sandy Welch Art
- Sang Pil Bae
- Sapho Gallery Inc.
- Sara Bengur Interiors
- Sara Gilbane Interiors
- Sarah Q.
- Sarah S.
- Sasha Bikoff
- Sassoon Kosian
- Savana Rose
- SAVED New York
- Schumacher
- Schweitzer Linen
- Scorze
- Scott Hewett Fine Art
- Seminole Furniture
- Seref Ozen Tribal Rugs and Textiles
- Sessantacinque Antiques
- Severedtiesantiques
- Sevo Home Furniture
- ShahbanuRugs
- SHAHKAR Fine Carpets
- Shaindy P.
- Shawn Henderson
- Sheena L.
- Sheherazade Home.
- Sheila Bridges Design Inc.
- Shelly's Place
- Sherri C.
- Shipshape & Bristol
- Shop by Glenn Ban Design
- Shop by Marie-Christine
- Showplace • Luxury • Art • Design • Vintage
- Sienna Road
- Silver Creek Antique and Estate
- Simon Vintage
- Simplicity By Design
- Siren Song
- Sister Parish Design
- Sitting pretty
- Sitting Pretty Partners
- SM Designs
- Smithy Home Couture
- Soleil NY
- Solo Rugs
- Sono Rugs
- Sophia D
- Sophiaj
- Sorokin Gallery
- South Shore Vintage
- South Street Antiques
- Southampton
- Spalato Antiques
- Spark Interior NYC
- Spode
- Stacey D.
- Stair's Incurable Collector
- StandOut Spaces
- Star 102
- state home
- Stay on Park
- Stedila Design
- Stella Maris
- Stellapillowcases
- Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects
- Stephanie Massaux Art
- Stephen Cimini
- Stephens Design Group
- Steven Gambrel
- Stone House Vintage
- Story of a Lifetime
- Studio Frazar
- Studio Montaperto
- Studio Nordic
- Studio Solenne
- subjective objects
- Supervision
- Susan
- Susan M.
- Susan M.
- Susan Studio NY
- Suzanne Nicoll Studio
- Sweeterfat
- Sweetfinds007
- Sylva and Celeste
- Tandem Antiques
- Tara McCauley
- Teatown Vintage
- Tempasse
- Tenon Design
- Tess Ramirez
- The Ann Parke Collection
- The Antique Flâneur
- The Beau Ideal
- The Brooklyn Studio
- The Cary Collection
- The Current Patina
- The Design Editors
- The Diamond Oak
- The Downtown Score
- The Enchanted Home
- The Forest Hills Shop
- The Ginger
- The Green Vase
- the GUSSIE
- The Hudson Mercantile
- The Kitsch Inn
- The Little Lamp Company
- The Modern Exchange
- The Painted Peach
- The Porcelain Pig
- The ReBorn House
- the Refurnisher
- The Ruby
- The Silver Peacock
- The Swan's House
- The Thriftocrat
- The Vintage Advisor
- The Vintage Violet
- The Vintage Violetear
- The Wicker Shop of Old Saybrook
- The Willowpond Collection
- ThePhenomenalOnesShop
- This Gingers Finds
- Thom Filicia Inc.
- Thomas B.
- Thomas K. Libby Antiques
- Thomas Moore
- THunter
- Tiger Oak Brooklyn
- Tinsley & Co
- Toadleigh Hall
- Tops Furniture
- Tori Golub Interior Design
- Tori Jones Studio
- Town & Country Kitchen and Bath
- Town Home and Garden
- Transistor Sisters
- Trevor Alan
- Tuxedo Park Antique Shop
- Tuxedo Park Print Shop
- Twenty Cutler Designs
- Twin Lambs Farms
- Two Guys and a Dog
- Tyler and Todd
- TZ Goodman Art Studio
- UHL Universal Hotel Liquidators
- Uncommon House Decor
- Unique Chic
- Unique Vintage NYC
- Unusual Only
- Upcurated
- Uptown Vintage
- Valbrenta
- Valerie Pena Studio
- Valley Farm Antiques Of Essex
- Van der Most Modern
- Varvoglis
- Versace couture
- Vica
- Vicente Wolf Associates
- Vicky P.
- Victor C.
- Victor Gallery
- Victoria Hagan
- Victoria Ninette
- Vincent Salvati
- Vintage Chinoiserie Home
- Vintage Elegance
- Vintage G.
- Vintage Home CT
- Vintage Home Decor
- Vintage Industries Inc
- Vintage Nest by L'abri
- Vintage Outdoor Living
- vintagefindsny
- Vintissimo
- Virginia B.
- Virginia M.
- VN Vintage + Modern
- VR Jewels
- VW HOME by Vicente Wolf
- WALLY New York
- Waltah's
- Walter's Antiques
- ward + gray
- Water's Edge Antiques
- Weiss and Biheller
- Welcome Home
- Wendy W.
- Wesley Moon Inc
- West 67th Street
- Westchester Finds
- White Trash
- White Tulip Boutique
- White Webb
- White Willow
- Will Kopelman
- Willac Wishes
- Wise Underground
- Wisteria Knoll
- Workshop/APD
- Worthy Finds Antiques & Artifacts
- Wowk
- Yansi Fugel
- Ychelle Interior Design and Art Advisory
- Yefim B.
- York Antiques NY
- YoshaGraphics
- Young Huh Interior Design
- Zafferano America
- Zaida
- Zoffany