The Great British Pine Mine

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    Importers of antique pine furniture from Great Britain and Europe. Reproduction and custom made furniture from reclaimed pine. Decorative accessories and kitchenalia.

    We came to America with our three small children in 1983, determined to open our own shop and share our enthusiasm for the antique pine furniture we had grown to love while living in the beautiful county of Devon in England’s west country. Impressed by its warmth, versatility and utilitarian nature, we had used antique pine furniture extensively in both our home in the countryside and in the vegetarian restaurant and natural and organic food store that we operated in Exeter in the seventies and early eighties.

    Just as we did in the beginning, we still travel to Europe and personally select every piece that we offer for sale. Originally we imported only British antique pine furniture, hence the name, but for many years we have used sources all over Europe. Our antique furniture is now complemented with reproductions of hard-to-find pieces together with a wide range of custom options, decorative accessories and vintage fabrics.

    “What the apple is among the fruits, what the oak is to the broad-leaved trees of the temperate zone, the pines represent among the conifers, excelling all other genera in this most important family in number of species, in field of distribution, in extent of area occupied, in usefulness and importance to the human race.”
    L.H. Bailey, Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, (1947)