House of Lyons Vintiques

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    Welcome to House of Lyons Vintiques! I'm Lisbeth, shop proprietor and "vintage concierge" sourcing fabulous finds for your home. I specialize in procuring premium antique, vintage, or "retired" items from estate sales in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest.

    I am an equal opportunity lover of quality vintage. In my shop you will find a variety of decor styles, such as: Mid-Century Modern, Traditional Home, Grandmillennial, Farmhouse, and Boho, to name a few.

    I strive to source the highest quality finds for my customers and strive to manage my shop in the most sustainable manner possible.

    Please don't hesitate to ask House of Lyons to be "on the hunt" for a particular pattern, color, or manufacturer! It's our pleasure to track down the most unique and perfect-for-you premium vintage items.