Fickle International, LLC

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    Simple. Unapologetic. Luxury. Lori Smithers is known for many things among her friends. When asked to describe her, “a southern belle” chimed one of them, “one of the nicest humans you will ever meet” remarked another. It seems the collective sentiment agreed upon by all is that she has impeccable taste and has always had a style that was all her own and is always ahead of the trends. In today’s market having a “signature look” is saved for the 1% in the industry, says Diana Hill, a custom drapery and fabric dealer. “Lori always flies me in for her special projects, and I have been working with her for over 20 years now. She is one of the kindest people I know, but you better believe she gets what she wants! She has such great rapport with her colleagues and associates and has built amazing relationships all over the world with people she genuinely enjoys working with!”
    Lori is building 2 barns at The Compound in Round Top. The Compound is known as one of the top five “must see” locations at Round Top and Lori was thrilled when she and her husband Jeff decided to become a part of this tradition. “I have always loved being a part of Round Top whether I was shopping or setting up my booth and selling! The first barn, scheduled to open for the Fall 2020 show will be named The Fickle Barn.
    The second barn’s name and ETA is TBD, but the anticipation is killing those of us who wait with bated breath to see what Lori finds on her monthly shopping excursions to Europe. To be added to her email list for updates about her trips, be notified about container sales or to request a special item simply visit her website at or email and put Lori’s Shopping List in the Subject Line, that will go to a special folder and we will make sure to get back to you asap! If there is enough interest in a particular item or location Lori is happy to recommend shopping trips for you as well!