Chairish Blog

Making Magic in Hudson, New York

Exterior of Magic Hill mid century modern antique furniture store in Hudson, New York

Few small towns have grown over the last year quite like Hudson, New York. The charming weekend getaway from NYC has seen a massive influx of full-time residents and longer-term visitors taking a break from the city. That means a much more bustling design scene, and few folks know that scene as well as the experts at Magic Hill.

Known for their intricate restorations of mid-century furniture, Magic Hill is a haven for lovers of masters of the form like Milo Baughman and Gio Ponti. They bring new life to glorious mid-century originals, including sleek seating, tables, lighting, and accessories. We asked them ten quick questions about the scene in Hudson, their future product lines, and the furniture “gets” they’d love to have.

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First and foremost, how has the design industry in Hudson been handling the last year?

We can’t speak for everyone else in Hudson, however, we have reached out to our existing customers who have followed us for the past five years through our newsletters, social media platforms, and email blasts. We’ve also increased our work with TV producers, set designers, and the film industry, and we’ve also definitely increased our online presence during everything that’s been going on.

How have things evolved in light of the ongoing pandemic for the retail location in particular?

We followed all the New York State protocols when we re-opened in June. We revisited and closely analyzed our day-to-day business and reorganized our retail store to optimize everything.

The Hudson Valley has seen a huge increase in population over the last year in particular (and it was already growing leaps and bounds before that). How has that affected business? And life in the city itself?

We have noticed an increase of people coming to Hudson for weddings and for a getaway weekend. We’ve expanded leaps and bounds with a plethora of new clients and industry people. Word of mouth has given us great recognition and awesome reviews!

Have more customers been coming in through virtual methods like Chairish in the last year? Do you see that having an effect on the way designers shop for vintage and antique pieces?

Definitely. And it’s a little of both… many designers have found us online; however, they still like to come in to see the actual furniture and test it out.

What type of products have been moving in the recent months?

Many people have purchased homes in the Hudson Valley and customers are looking for everything, honestly… chairs, home office items, lighting, home decor, and art.

Are there any plans to evolve or change the physical store?

We are constantly evolving and changing, so stay tuned. In fact, this is our second location in the last five years.

How do you see the rest of 2021 unfolding?

We’re excited to be creating our own product lines, including lacquer trays, Giclée prints, pillows, soaps, and candles. And we also continue to offer upholstery, wood restoration, staging, and interior design services.

You specialize in mid-century furniture and reupholstered vintage pieces. How has the booming popularity of mid-century design impacted what you do?

We are unique in that we curate 50’s, 60’s and 70’s vintage furniture and give the pieces a nice facelift. The younger generation usually thinks that our furniture is new and they are surprised to find out that our unique furniture is all curated vintage.  

Magic Hill features pieces from all kinds of mid-century masters—Milo Baughman, Gio Ponti, Knoll. I know you’re not supposed to have a favorite child, but… do you have some favorites of the bunch, or favorites you’ve had in the store?

We love Finn Juhl, Thonet, Milo Baughman, and Russell White… all Danish design and Møbler fabric. As well as many others!

What’s a dream piece that you’d love to have for yourself?

An Eames chair as well as Halabala chairs from the Czech Republic.

All images courtesy of Magic Hill

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