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If the words "Medieval furniture" are giving you major Kings and Queens vibes—you're not far off the mark. The medieval time period spans a large period of time, from the fall of the last Roman emperor in late 5th century to the fall of Constantinople in mid-fifteenth century. Talk about a throwback. Interestingly, the medieval period is when furniture began to develop modern characteristics. The most important piece of medieval furniture was the chest or the coffer. During medieval times, the chest or coffer was a handy piece of luggage. Today, these pieces make for a beautiful table or ace accent piece. Love medieval furniture but don’t want to commit to major real estate in your home? We've got ya. Introduce smaller elements like a medieval chair, medieval door knob, or even a medieval candelabra. Any of these options will add loads of panache without stealing the show. Win Win! If you're full-on committed to your love for all things medieval, consider going big with a medieval dining set or a sinfully gorgeous medieval bed set. Either will makes a powerfully regal statement. Pair medieval dining sets with medieval chairs for stature. If the dark ages means delicious dark wood, consider us fans! If you love a good throwback, but are looking for something from the relatively recent past, check out British Colonial Furniture on Chairish.