Sherry Been

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    My name is Sherry Been, and I am an emerging artist, utilizing the enameling process most famous for its use on Russia’s Faberge Eggs.
    The traditional process requires sifting glass on metal to create patterns and textures. I have re-defined this process, allowing glass to merge in a manner reminiscent of molten lava flowing rich colors of enamels into a tapestry of of rich and vibrant colors.
    I am re-defining this incredible art forms versatility, by creating abstract shapes, and allowing the glass to merge with copper in exciting new ways. The results have resulted in a subtle collaboration of artistry and chemistry.

    The complex beauty is only realized then the piece has completed the multi level firing process. As the molten glass begins to solidify, the colors emerge into rivers of varied hues of magnificent color affected by those chosen for the sculpture.
    I attribute the subtle interplay between the extremes in the folds of the copper, contrasting with the depth of glass and light playing off every crevice. I am compelled to push the limit of heat and chemistry on every piece, to capture the escense of what each individual sculpture is meant to be.