Italian Pendant Lighting

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Italian Pendant Lighting

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Illuminate your home with Italian pendant lights that are completely authentic and absolutely gorgeous. This collection of Italian pendant light fixtures and glass light fixtures features unique and rare Italian lighting that you won’t be able to find anywhere else—especially not in stores. Add an ornate Italian beaded chandelier to your home and create an impression of quality in your home or decorate with Italian kitchen pendant lighting for a culinary space that’s as gorgeous as the food prepared in it. With new items being added every single day, our collection of Italian pendant lighting is filled to the brim with unique pieces that fuse the styles of Italian artwork and decorative décor.

These Italian lighting fixtures aren’t just decorative, however. Each item in this collection has been expertly edited by our curators, who screen everything to make sure that our inventory features some of the most exceptional pieces in the US and Europe. We connect more than 12,000 small businesses, practicing artists and creators who sell pieces that are rare, distinguished and of the highest quality that you can find online. Unify your home around a beautiful Italian décor theme with these lighting fixtures, and make sure to follow this selection to see new items added every day.