Naked Modernism

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    1. Image of Copenhagen Earrings, a pair For Sale
    2. Image of Aleksey Naumov, Grand Canal Venice, Oil on Canvas, 21st Century For Sale
    3. Image of Antique 14k Triple Wrap Snake Bracelet For Sale
    4. Image of 1940s Blue and Silver Ice Bucket For Sale
    5. Image of Vintage Chippendale Faux Bamboo Arm Chairs - a Pair For Sale
    6. Image of Antique 19c Cranberry Glass Bell Jar Pendant Lantern Chandelier For Sale


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    Starting from a young age we are molded into someone’s interpretation of how we should act and who we should be. When one can break free of the expectations and judgement of others, they can be free to grow and become their authentic selves.

    As I work I reflect on things. One day as I was stripping layers upon layers of paint that was hiding the bare NAKED beauty that was lying underneath, I realized it was covering up something hiding behind a screen. The parallel ran between my passion to find pieces covered and hidden from their bare natural beauty and people was profound. At that moment my company NAKED MODERNISM and my logo STAY NAKED came to be. To be true to yourself, NAKED and vulnerable with no cover is to show oneself. To STAY NAKED is to stay true to who you are, be real, be authentic; don’t portray being something you’re not. The furniture and art I represent is genuine, sincere, and not a reproduction or knock off. My passion is to find the broken and restore its beauty while incorporating it into modern life.

    Stay Naked, Stay True, and Stay Free