g roslie

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    Naturally Dyed Textile Art by G Roslie

    “i explore the inner landscape of our imagination and outer landscape of the natural world through tactile medium of textiles colored by botanical and earth elements.”

    — g roslie

    Jeeyon 'G' Roslie is a Korean-American textile artist and natural dyer based in Santa Barbara, California. Drawing inspiration from the beauty and harmony of the natural world, she creates bespoke palettes for each of her works by hand-dyeing flax linen with botanical plant and earth mineral pigments. Through her stylized and evocative compositions, G seeks to evoke the stillness of Zen minimalism, the simplicity of modernist abstraction, and the warmth of 1970s craft revival, all infused with her love of poetry and poetic living.

    G’s work is distinguished by the use of simple, contrasting shapes of cut and sewn panels, which create a dynamic interplay of light, color, and texture. In her textile collages, she incorporates remnants, allowing for minimal waste in her artistic process. Her pieces are designed to encourage slow, quiet, contemplative reflection, and explore themes of patience, solitude/belonging, and being present in the world.

    As an artist committed to sustainable living, G’s use of all-natural, non-toxic materials is an extension of her belief in the importance of living harmoniously within the environment. Her work reflects a deep respect for the natural world and seeks to inspire others to appreciate its beauty and fragility.

    For G, textile art is a means of connecting with the world on a deeper level, of capturing the ephemeral beauty of the natural world and preserving it for posterity. Through her art, she invites viewers to join her on this journey of discovery and contemplation, and to experience the joy and wonder of a life lived in harmony with nature. To learn more about G and her process, please schedule an appointment to visit slo curio studio where you can visit with her and view her work in person.