Classic Rug Collection, Inc.

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    For 25 years, we have been known for our highest-quality one-of-a-kind rugs. We specialize in hand-knotted rugs made in Nepal of the finest natural fibers. Some of our rugs are hand-tufted, primarily in Thailand or India. You may remember our showroom in the D & D Building. We have shown our rugs all over the world, and in 2018, we received an award from the US Commerce Department for being a woman-owned business that has exported to 6 continents. We have made rugs for the presidential suites for a hotel in Mecca in conjunction with Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, an ambassador's home in Jeddah, rugs for the royal family of the UAE, and a chateau in France, and the governor's mansion in NY. Owner Barbara Barran is retiring, and so she is selling her first-quality sample rugs, most of which are one of a kind. You can purchase with confidence knowing our reputation for quality. Our motto: Outstanding design. Highest Quality. The Ultimate in Personal Service.