Home and Rugs


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    Mehmet and Deniz are the oldest and the youngest siblings of the Adam family, also surprisingly turned out to be the ones who continue the family business, the beautiful, artful handmade rugs.

    The Adam family’s relationship with the rugs started long ago, as Konya is one of the biggest rug-manufacturing cities back in Ottoman history. Mehmet and Deniz, today, carry on their grand-grand father’s legacy, who was one of the most popular rug weavers in the region, Mustafa Usta.*
    Since 2018, the rug duo continues to grow their inventory and Home and Rugs team. In 2021, they took their first steps to personalize their digital self, and created homeandrugs.com, while continuing their Etsy adventure. “For any rug you purchased, from anywhere you want, probably an Anatolian woman gave her months, maybe years to make that art to lay on your floor splendidly,” Deniz says. “I am not going to cross the Anatolian women’s path, they need their empowerment now.”